About Fruit NL


Transparency: we all know each other, literally! We involve our buyers with the cultivation and allow the growers to become acquainted with the consumer too. With so much transparency, honesty is both a condition and a logical result.


Innovation: everyone’s talking about, but Fruit NL is one of the few companies to really invest a great deal of energy, time and resources in innovation. Irrespective of whether it concerns modern cultivation techniques, process optimisation, sustainability or product improvement, Fruit NL tries to be progressive in every single area.

Food Safety

Food safety: For us a basic condition, which however becomes more important and more complex. This is not only due to the regulations, but especially with our own sense of responsibility.

100 years of experience

And what else? We are simply a company with employees who all work together. In order to realise the very best result for you, irrespective of the number of obstacles we’ll meet along the way. And we have been doing this for more than 100 years!


Everything’s about working together effectively where the growing of our tasty apples is concerned; the collaboration between people and nature, the collaboration between the specialists in our orchards, but also the collaboration with other entrepreneurs in the fruit growing industry and other partners who are important to us. It would be impossible for us to grow the delicious fruit we have managed to build our excellent reputation on without these partners.